Amazon PPC Ad Types and Strategy to Boost Your Business on Amazon

Amazon PPC Ad Types and Strategy to Boost Your Business on Amazon

With thousands of companies fighting for the attention of consumers every day, personalization is the only method that is distinctive. PPC advertisements are the most popular trend in the market today, and with justifiable reason. They directly respond to the search query of the consumer and provide relevant results, and aid in new products to be discovered on any online marketplace.

This is why both big and small companies appreciate PPC advertisements, and this survey indicates that 45 percent of small-scale businesses are enthralled by PPC advertising. We’ve all heard that eCommerce isn’t a one-size-fits-all business therefore you need to customize your strategies for advertising. Apart from generating higher sales, it can lead to three outcomes:

  • Setting up your brand’s image
  • Building confidence in consumers
  • Creating consumer loyalty

This blog will explain how paid search results in more business success, the three kinds of PPC advertisements you should consider to invest in, their most common applications along with seven ways to work with online retailers such as Amazon in the present.

Paid Search for Better Results

In contrast to organic results PPC has demonstrated its value since its first days. Utilizing PPC advertising is proven method of making a mark in the marketplace, and there are three kinds of ads that you must invest in

  • Sponsored Products
  • Sponsored Brands
  • Sponsored Display

In addition, Amazon’s DSP can help in bringing shoppers from off-platform to your online storefront in just one click. Amazon changed its name to DSP, a demand-side platform which gives complete control over the location where your ads are displayed and has resulted in huge growth opportunities for businesses.

Let’s take a look at the three types of ads and the common applications for them:

Sponsored Products

In simple phrases, Sponsored Products ads promote certain items from your catalogue to increase their visibility on search results for keywords relevant to the category. You can select the best items to advertise based upon the behaviour of your customers and performance information.

This type of ad is ideal for generating conversions, and Amazon research shows that brands tend to allocate around 68 percent of their budget for advertising for sponsored products only. The placement of the sponsored product ad is crucial as it statistically outperforms the rest. Top of Search placement attracts more than twice the expenditure compared to other types of arrangements, like the detail pages.

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Sponsored Brands

Sponsored Brands ads can help consumers who are looking for your brand through high-engagement content. Today, we are seeing the most effective results using the video format and this kind of advertisement is great for building brand awareness.

Amazon data indicates the fact that Sponsored Brands represent the second most-loved advertisement type for brands following Sponsored Products, and with 16 percent of the budget being dedicated to these types of ads. KwickMetrics research suggests an increase of 200% in CTR when you invest in a custom-designed image for your Sponsored Brands advertisements. Videos with informational content are the most popular way for customers to connect with them and usually will result in the most effective ads coverage.

Another subcategory in the Sponsored Brands ads is the store Spotlight sponsored Brands ads. They help drive customers right to your Amazon Brand Page, where you are in complete control of the items and collections that are displayed without any competitor’s products that could distract the attention of shoppers.

Sponsored Display

Sponsored Display advertising type can lead to the growth of your business as you can target consumers according to their behaviour. They are great for gaining defence against advertising, and your company could benefit from Sponsored Displays to draw prospective buyers from the pages of your competitors’ products.

With limited space for virtual products Your goal is to emphasize what’s most essential and highlight the most important features that your customers are looking for in their journey. Your customized creatives will include images, the category, the name and reviews that are showcased as well as a single-click option to “add to cart.”

7 Proven PPC Advertising Strategies

  • Make sure you target the most prominent competitors in your area by directing their customers to your services.
  • Use your own products to safeguard your brand. Releasing similar products from the same company increases confidence and boosts your chances of buying.
  • Make sure you target similar products from your category. For example, ads on socks for shoes’ pages on products are likely to be successful all through the year.
  • Make sure you are targeting your own products in order to increase their value in the future by offering shoppers a variety of package and bulk purchasing options.
  • Make sure you are targeting your own products for successful cross-sell strategies particularly when you are using complementary combinations of products.
  • Remarket to your existing customers to attract repeat buyers and increase brand loyalty for the future of your brand.
  • Remarket to the customers of your competition and get new eyes on your offerings.

Your budget and the goals of the brand determine the way and where you place your money for PPC advertisements. Each type of ad offers distinct results, and you are able to divide your campaigns into Sponsored products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Displays with any ratio you like.

KwickMetrics offers Business Intelligence and Analytics tools for Amazon Sellers that provides a variety of options based on your requirements, the desired market. Learn more details about KwickMetrics Platform and schedule a demo today.

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