Helium 10 vs Teikametrics vs KwickMetrics: Which is the best Walmart seller tool for 2024?

KwickMetrics vs Teikametrics Which is the best Walmart seller tool for you in 202

Are you striving to determine which Walmart seller tool best fits your needs? With only a few choices available, selecting the right tool to optimize your Walmart selling strategy and improve profitability can be challenging. If you’re unsure which tool to choose, you’re not alone in facing this decision.

At KwickMetrics, we have extensive experience in e-commerce analytics and a deep understanding of Walmart’s marketplace dynamics. Our insights are based on years of closely working experience with sellers. And one of the things we’ve learned is that Walmart sellers want to be able to compare software options. Therefore we wrote this article based on practical insights, with a clear understanding of strengths and weaknesses. It’s our aim to provide a totally transparent analysis of our solution and another great solution in the marketplace.

By the end of this article, you’ll gain clarity on whether Helium 10, Teikametrics, or KwickMetrics is the right fit for your Walmart selling needs. You’ll have a clear understanding of each tool’s strengths, weaknesses, and how each can propel your Walmart endeavors forward.

How did we compare Walmart seller tools?

Your Walmart seller tool should enable you to easily define and implement strategies that drive you toward your e-commerce goals. While Helium 10, Teikametrics, and KwickMetrics offer a range of tools to enhance your selling processes and outcomes, each has its own strengths and weaknesses. What you need to do is determine which individual strengths are most important to you.

To determine which of the three tools is the best fit for your business, let’s consider the following key criteria:

  1. Solutions / Features
    • Keyword research
    • Product research
    • Financial analytics (P&L)
    • Reviews and feedback automation
    • Ads analytics
    • Ads management
    • Reimbursement service
  2. Pricing
  3. Supported marketplaces
  4. Data security
  5. Customer support
  6. Free trials
  7. Ease of use

So, let’s dig in.

Comparing Walmart seller tools based on solutions & features

Keyword research

Keyword research is about choosing the best keywords for your product listings to boost visibility and sales. It helps you find what potential buyers are searching for, so you can improve your listings and attract more relevant traffic.

Helium 10
Helium 10 offers keyword research capabilities through several tools. The Magnet tool helps you find high-volume keywords by analyzing a range of search queries, ensuring that you target the most relevant terms for your listings. The Cerebro tool performs reverse product lookups, allowing you to examine competitors’ keywords and uncover valuable insights into their strategies. Additionally, the Keyword Tracker provides real-time data on keyword rankings, enabling you to monitor performance and adjust your strategies effectively.

Teikametrics does not provide dedicated tools for keyword research.

KwickMetrics does not provide dedicated tools for keyword research.

Winner - Helium 10

Helium 10 is the winner in this category because it primarily focuses on keyword research and offers specialized tools for this purpose.

Product research

Product research is the process of identifying profitable products, assessing market demand, and analyzing competition. This process provides valuable insights into potential product opportunities and helps optimize inventory and pricing strategies.

Helium 10
Helium 10 offers product research capabilities with its Xray tool. This feature provides access to a large database of products and includes advanced sorting options for detailed analysis. It allows users to gain insights into product performance and competition.

Teikametrics does not provide dedicated tools for product research.

KwickMetrics does not provide dedicated tools for product research.

Winner - Helium 10

Helium 10 is the winner in this category due to its product research tool (Xray), which provides product and competitor insights.​

Financial analytics (P&L)

Financial analytics focuses on tracking and analyzing profit and loss (P&L) to assess a business’s profitability and financial health. By examining key financial metrics, businesses can make informed decisions to improve performance and optimize profitability.

Helium 10
Helium 10 provides insights into financial metrics such as gross profit, sales trends, and inventory management. It offers tools to track ROI, profit margins, and restock suggestions. 

Teikametrics does not provide dedicated tools for financial analytics (P&L).

KwickMetrics provides detailed profit and loss statements that include expenses related to selling on Walmart, such as shipping, Walmart fees, WFS fees, advertising costs, storage fees, COGS, and other expenses. This detailed financial reporting helps sellers understand profitability and make informed decisions to improve margins.

Winner - KwickMetrics

KwickMetrics is the winner in this category for its detailed and accurate financial analytics, providing comprehensive profit and loss statements.​

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Review and Feedback Automation

Review and feedback automation involves analyzing customer reviews and seller feedback, and automating campaigns to solicit more reviews. This process helps businesses efficiently manage and improve customer interactions, boost satisfaction, and strengthen their brand reputation.

Helium 10
Helium 10 does not offer review and feedback automation tools. 

Teikametrics does not specialize in review and feedback automation.

KwickMetrics provides detailed analytics for product reviews and seller feedback, simplifying the analysis of review trends and customer satisfaction. It features automated email campaigns for requesting reviews, streamlining feedback collection, and boosting engagement.

Winner - KwickMetrics

KwickMetrics is the winner in this category due to its comprehensive review and feedback automation capabilities, which aid in improving customer satisfaction and brand reputation.​

Boost your reviews with the Review and Feedback Automator

Ads analytics

Ads analytics involves evaluating data from advertising campaigns to gain insights into performance metrics like sales, impressions, and ROAS. This helps businesses assess ad effectiveness and optimize their strategies.

Helium 10
Helium 10’s Adtomic provides advanced analytics for advertising campaigns, including insights into TACoS, organic ranking, and sponsored ranking. It offers detailed data to monitor campaign performance and keyword bids, along with hourly ad performance data to facilitate data-driven decisions and improve ROI.

Teikametrics provides detailed performance metrics and analytics for advertising, including sales, impressions, ACoS, and ROAS. These analytics help sellers monitor and analyze their campaign performance, enabling informed decision-making to optimize ad effectiveness.

KwickMetrics enhances Walmart sellers’ advertising by providing detailed, real-time insights and advanced analytics. It allows sellers to track daily and hourly ad performance, analyze product-level ad spend, compare organic vs. ad-driven sales, and optimize campaigns using key metrics like TACOS, ACOS, ROAS, and CTR. This comprehensive toolset helps sellers make informed decisions to improve ad efficiency and overall sales.

Winner - KwickMetrics

KwickMetrics is the winner because it provides real-time insights with hourly tracking, detailed product-level ad spending, and comparisons between organic and ad-driven sales, ensuring comprehensive campaign optimization.​

See how your ads are performing

Ads management

Ads management is the process of organizing and improving your advertising campaigns. It involves setting up ads, adjusting bids, choosing keywords, and analyzing results to make sure your ads are effective and reach the right audience.

Helium 10
Helium 10’s Adtomic is an AI-driven tool for Walmart sellers that automates PPC management. It helps in bid adjustments and keyword optimization, offering analytics to campaign performance and drive sales.

Teikametrics, a self-service platform for Walmart sellers, offers AI-driven tools for campaign management, including automated bidding, keyword adjustments, and performance insights. This solution empowers sellers to optimize their advertising strategies independently and drive better results.

Managed edition 
Teikametrics managed edition provides Walmart sellers with an ad management service combining advanced AI technology and expert support. It includes personalized campaign strategies, advanced analytics, and access to premium features, ensuring optimized ad performance and strategic growth.

KwickMetrics does not provide ads management.

Winner - Teikametrics

Teikametrics is a winner because it provides a suite of tools for managing ads, including automated targeting, bidding and premium services.​

Reimbursement services

Reimbursement services involve managing and recovering funds for various issues like lost, damaged, or incorrectly processed inventory, ensuring sellers receive appropriate compensation and maximize financial returns.

Helium 10
Helium 10 does not provide a Walmart reimbursement service.

Teikametrics does not provide a Walmart reimbursement service.

KwickMetrics provides specialized reimbursement management services that focus on tracking and managing reimbursement claims for Walmart sellers. The platform covers various cases, including lost, damaged, or destroyed inventory, delayed returns, incorrect refunds, missing or damaged shipments, and overcharged referral fees. KwickMetrics dedicated team helps identify and recover funds efficiently, ensuring sellers can maximize financial returns through meticulous claim management and process optimization.

Winner - KwickMetrics

KwickMetrics is the winner as it offers dedicated reimbursement management services, including tracking and managing claims for lost or damaged inventory.​

Check How Much Money You Deserve to Get Back!

Comparing Walmart seller tools based on pricing

Helium 10

Plan Monthly Price (USD)
Starter $29
Platinum $79
Diamond $229
Adtomic Base plan + $199

Among these, the Platinum plan is widely favored by many sellers for its comprehensive features tailored to enhance product research, keyword tracking, and profitability analytics. Each plan comes with its own set of features and limitations, which are detailed on Helium 10’s official website.

Additionally, Helium 10 offers a PPC management tool called Adtomic as an optional add-on feature. Adtomic provides insights into advertising performance metrics but requires an additional monthly payment beyond the base plan price, starting at $199 per month. Opting for Adtomic depends on specific business needs and budget considerations, ensuring access to tools necessary to optimize advertising strategies effectively. For more detailed information on plan features, limitations, and additional offerings like Adtomic, visit Helium 10’s website directly. 


Self-service pricing

Plan Ad Spend Budget Monthly Price Additional Fees
Essentials Up to $5K Monthly Ad Spend $99/month None
$5K–$10K Monthly Ad Spend $199/month None
Over $10K Monthly Ad Spend $499/month +3% of Monthly Ad Spend over $10K
Pro $1M+ Minimum Annual Sales Starting at $999/month Negotiated flat rate based on Ad Spend budget
Enterprise $50M+ Minimum Annual Sales Custom pricing Pricing catered to your business needs

Managed edition Pricing

Plan Starting Price Additional Fees
Growth $2,249 per month +3% of Ad Spend
Premium $6,000 per month +3% of Ad Spend
Enterprise Custom pricing Based on business needs

Self-service provides tools for independent ad management with a tiered pricing structure based on monthly ad spend, while managed edition offers comprehensive ad management services with dedicated support, priced based on specific business needs and ad spending.

As with any tiered subscription service, each plan within Teikametrics may have specific limitations or exclusions based on the selected level of service. For more detailed information on plan features, limitations, and additional offerings, visit Teikametrics official website directly. This ensures prospective users have a clear understanding before making the decision.


Plan Monthly Price (USD)
Starter $18
Standard $48
Professional $66
Business $90
Enterprise $144
Reimbursement Service 15% to 20%

The Professional plan is highlighted for its comprehensive features, which are designed to cater to the more detailed needs of sellers. This plan typically includes advanced tools such as detailed sales analytics, robust profit and loss tracking capabilities, comprehensive feedback and reviews management, and sophisticated ads analytics. These features are designed to provide deeper insights into business performance.

Additionally, a streamlined reimbursement service is offered with no upfront cost. Instead, a commission ranging from 15% to 20% is charged based on the funds successfully recovered from Walmart through the reimbursement claims managed via the dedicated dashboard and claim manager.

Like any tiered subscription service, each plan may come with specific limitations or exclusions based on the level of service selected. These details can vary between plans, so it is recommended to check the official website for complete information on features, restrictions, and additional benefits. This allows users to make well-informed decisions that best meet their business needs and goals.

Winner - KwickMetrics

KwickMetrics is noted for its affordable pricing and wide range of features. In comparison, Helium 10 and Teikametrics generally have higher pricing options.​

Comparing Walmart seller tools based on supported marketplaces

Helium 10
Helium 10 primarily focuses on the Walmart.com marketplace, offering tools and features designed for sellers on the US-based Walmart platform.

Teikametrics is designed to support sellers on Walmart.com, offering features and tools specifically for the US-based Walmart marketplace.

KwickMetrics focuses on the Walmart.com marketplace, providing customized analytics and insights for sellers on the US-based Walmart platform. It aims to enhance seller performance and operational efficiencies within the Walmart ecosystem, with plans to expand services to Walmart Canada and Walmart Mexico soon.

Winner - Tie

All three tools support Walmart.com, with KwickMetrics planning expansion to additional marketplaces (Walmart.ca, Walmart.mx).

Comparing Walmart seller tools based on data security 

Helium 10
Helium 10 ensures data is secure by collecting personal info and usage data to manage accounts and enhance services. Data-sharing practices are disclosed, strict privacy laws are complied with, and encryption is used to protect information. For more information on how Helium 10 protects data and adheres to privacy regulations, visit the Privacy Policy section on the official website.

Teikametrics ensures stringent data security measures to safeguard user information. Under the policy, data is never shared without explicit consent and is maintained securely at all times. For further details on privacy practices, users are encouraged to refer to Teikametrics’ privacy policy, which provides comprehensive explanations regarding data protection and handling protocols.

KwickMetrics keeps business data safe by collecting only what is necessary for account setup and business improvement. The company complies with privacy laws and uses secure methods to handle sensitive information. For more details on data privacy and security, refer to the Privacy Policy available on the website.

Winner - Tie

Each tool offers robust data security practices, making this category a tie.​

Comparing Walmart seller tools based on customer support

Helium 10
Helium 10 offers customer support through the help center, where you can submit requests. Support is also available via email at support@helium10.com. However, phone support is not provided, though chat assistance is available on the website. 

Teikametrics offers customer support services through a dedicated email channel at customersupport@teikametrics.com. This avenue allows direct addressing of any queries or concerns. For more details, visit the Contact Us page.

KwickMetrics offers dedicated customer support through various channels. Assistance is available via the Contact Us page, email at support@kwickmetrics.com, live chat, and phone at 6369775711.

Winner - KwickMetrics

KwickMetrics provides multiple customer support channels, including email, live chat, and phone support. Helium 10 and Teikametrics offer support primarily through email, with additional options available in some cases​.

Ready to see how KwickMetrics works?

Comparing Walmart seller tools based on free trials

Helium 10
Helium 10 offers a free plan that includes a limited set of features. This free plan provides basic access to some of Helium 10’s tools, allowing users to get a feel for the platform. However, Helium 10 does not provide a free trial for its paid plans. To access the more advanced features and full functionality of the platform, users need to subscribe to one of Helium 10’s paid plans. While the free plan offers a glimpse into what Helium 10 can do, users interested in the complete suite of tools will need to commit to a paid subscription to experience the full benefits.

Teikametrics offers a one-month trial by providing access to all features. Users can explore functionalities such as the bidding algorithm, campaign creator, and AI-recommended keywords during this period. Billing begins only after the trial ends. Users have the option to switch to a Basic subscription at any time during the trial to avoid charges post-trial. 

KwickMetrics offers a 14-day free trial of the Professional package, providing access to all features at no upfront cost. This includes advanced sales analytics, detailed profit and loss tracking, feedback and reviews management, sophisticated ads analytics, and a free reimbursement audit. No credit card is required, and cancellation can be done at any time. The trial allows potential customers to evaluate the platform’s functionality.

Winner - Teikametrics​

Teikametrics provides a longer free trial period, allowing users to fully assess its capabilities before committing.​

Comparing Walmart seller tools based on ease of use

Helium 10
According to user reviews, Helium 10 is recognized for its extensive feature set and detailed data analysis capabilities. The software offers a range of tools for in-depth insights but is noted for its complexity and challenging navigation. While it provides advanced analytics and comprehensive functionalities, users report a steeper learning curve compared to simpler tools.

Based on user reviews, Teikametrics is generally considered easy to use, with users appreciating its intuitive interface and effective ad management features. Some users mention occasional difficulties with customer support and onboarding.

Based on user feedback, KwickMetrics is recognized for its intuitive interface, which facilitates ease of use. The tool is designed to simplify data management and reporting, aiming to streamline complex processes effectively. Users highlight the intuitive design and ongoing improvements based on feedback, which contribute to its accessibility and overall efficiency.

Winner - KwickMetrics​

KwickMetrics is the winner due to its intuitive interface, which users have found easy to navigate and effective in utilizing its features.​

What criteria determine the better Walmart seller tool

In this comparison, we assess various Walmart seller tools, including Helium 10, Teikametrics, and KwickMetrics. Each tool offers unique features designed to address different aspects of e-commerce management, such as keyword research, product research, financial analytics, and more. The table below evaluates these tools based on key criteria, helping you understand the strengths and how each tool aligns with your specific business needs.

Feature Winner
Keyword research Helium 10
Product research Helium 10
Financial analytics (P&L) KwickMetrics
Review and feedback automation KwickMetrics
Ads analytics KwickMetrics
Ads management Teikametrics
Reimbursement services KwickMetrics
Pricing KwickMetrics
Supported marketplaces Tie
Data security Tie
Customer support KwickMetrics
Free trials Teikametrics
Ease of use KwickMetrics

This comparison highlights the strengths and features of Helium 10, Teikametrics, and KwickMetrics. Your choice should depend on your business needs and objectives, as each tool offers distinct capabilities.

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Choosing the best Walmart Seller tool for you

This comparison has provided clarity on the strengths and weaknesses of Helium 10, Teikametrics and KwickMetrics, helping you understand how each can support your Walmart selling needs.

Walmart sellers struggle with optimizing sales and managing business effectively. These challenges can stem from not having the right tools for analytics, profit management, product research, and keyword optimization.

Moving forward, consider your specific business goals: Helium 10 provides product research and keyword optimization. Teikametrics provides in ads management, providing features for optimizing ad performance and managing advertising campaigns. KwickMetrics offers tailored solutions for Walmart analytics, profit management, review automation, and reimbursement services.

As you make your decision, remember that Helium 10, Teikametrics, and KwickMetrics offer robust tools to enhance your e-commerce strategy. Choose the tool that aligns best with your priorities and business objectives.

By applying these insights, you can confidently select the tool that will optimize your Walmart selling strategy and propel your business toward greater success.